Access to wisdom and knowledge may require various studies.
But the most important is Self-Knowledge Exercise.
Being aware of and knowing oneself cannot be considered separate from life because this is a learning method and a way of life.
A person can spread this learning method to their life and put it in practice.
This may take a few years or decades, but most correctly it is a lifetime.
Being in the shape of a human is one thing, being human is another.
Taking the word of a flawlessly designed body as a human attribute may not be enough to make the body “Human”.
Today, bodies that are born of a body but are not human design wonders also live in the world.
The path to be a human is long and it is difficult.
It has to be encouraged.
Envoys (Resul) are required who will give these encouragements, guide, have high energy, and can use the creative powers of the Teaching of Self-Knowledge.
Scientists, teachers, artists, athletes, philosophers, historians, craftsmen, presidents, headmen are required.
The reason the body is constantly kneaded with pain is that it does not yet know how to long for human virtues.
Until it knows, it will be away from the high-level creative influences of Self-Knowledge teaching.
In all my work, I have always emphasized the virtues of being human.
I stated that the human attribute contains high energies.
Being human is possible by reaching the essence within and realizing how they carry the glories in those core values.
I conveyed that the only way to do this is that the human being is in itself, and that it should not pay attention to those who show the way with low energies.
Humanity is a supreme value, and the true beauty lies within itself.
This needs to be exposed.
So how many people have inclined towards this search or have been able to make it a way of life?
These are sentences that need to be questioned.
Everything should be dispensable.
It's not meant to give up, but it must be dispensable.
The distances between each particle and human existence should be well preserved and preserved.
Each of us has values.
These are the values that we evaluate and that are in our perceptions and that we organize our daily lives accordingly.
Beliefs and fears are also included.
We keep circling around them.
It is necessary to abandon these values, or to keep the distance between.
Thus people can reach the humanity only by knowing themselves. The person will also do this alone.
There is no need for one another or for others.
Everyone has the right to know their existence.
But the first thing a person has to do before getting to know themselves is to look deep within.
Books, courses, and trainings offer various methods of self-knowledge.
But often it cannot give a consistent and effective method.
Most of the time, these are methods that contain superficial information.
Rituals, meditations are a short study period.
The path followed in these studies is carried out through the general character of the person, with their immediate reactions.
This is a correct but incomplete method.
It is impossible for a person to recognize themself without finding themself.
One must first encounter themself.
Without meeting it, person cannot recognize themself.
It is necessary to examine step by step how this encounter could happen.